Life in ‘Comme₹ce’

Hey! Folks, in this busy world people, are running behind money. During our childhood we were busy in our own fantasy, dreaming of an upcoming happier life but we don’t have the idea that reality will be entirely different. Money is the most essential ingredient in every step of life, Money defines its importance. Where there is money: there is Commerce. Income & Expenditure are an integral part of Human-Life and Savings make this process-cycle complete.

Even our existence starts with Hospital bills, a type of expense which continues even after our demise. Parents pay that bill & take us home, the relationship of Debit & credit has entered in our life (what comes in is debit & what goes out is credit) and the father becomes an accountant (asking like” Paise kha udaye…”). Even our mythology said that Yamraj has an accountant ‘CHITRAGUPT’, who keeps the summary of ‘life & Death’.

Now, folks let us know Life inComme₹ce’ (game of debit & credit).


Commerce the word which is derived from the Latin word ‘commercium’ from CUM (Together) and MERX (merchandise). If we talk about the ancient times when we don’t have the appropriate mode of exchange if we are willing to buy things after the exchange of goods with goods (barter system) it is also commerce. Commerce covers a broader dimension and includes TRADE along with the SERVICE, which facilitates such as buying and selling of goods these services may include Insurance, Warehouses, transportation, advertising, etc.
Commerce involved in every human activity: Accountancy, a wing of Commerce, an essential tool for all the above-mentioned services. In these services there should be a systematic way of transaction, Accountancy plays a major role in the organization, accounting is a process of managing income and expense of Business and analyzes the inflow and outflow of cash. Accountancy itself has a whole world of varieties.



career in commerce

Commerce involved in every human activity: Accountancy, a wing of Commerce, an essential tool for all the above-mentioned services. In these services there should be a systematic way of transaction, Accountancy plays a major role in an organisation, accounting is a process of managing income and expense of Business and analyse the inflow and outflow of cash. Accountancy itself has a whole world of varieties.


Having huge opportunities, makes me choose commerce as a stream, during my Bachelor’s degree ( I start to teach my juniors. Meanwhile, Teaching becomes a passion for me, further profession. At present, I am the faculty of Commerce (Accountancy) in Bihar’s best commerce coaching institute ‘Chartered Commerce’ since 2012.

It means you can be a teacher after studying commerce! Even it also means you can choose your passion as a profession.

So, this was my story to choosing commerce – to teaching commerce…. Even you have yours …

Rahul Kumar Singh
Rahul Kumar Singh

Faculty of Accounts

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  1. Mesmerising , that’s how u make accounts interesting, leaving an impact over the students about the subject they have opted for whom its totally a new subject as well as a new phase about the life

  2. Very nice blog
    Keep the tempo going
    We want to learn more about the existence and increasing application of commerce in our day to day life.
    Hoping to see many more articles from young and dynamic Rahul sir.

  3. This story of yours’ makes me feel proud that I am learning from U.Thank you sir for every contribution that you have made and are making towards our welfare.

  4. Sir Yu ar the best teacher fr accounts nd all the three subjects yu ar always mine fav sirr nd aapka ye blog bhi aapke hi Tarah fantastic ossm hai sirr ❤️

  5. Amitesh Bhardwaj says:

    I am really happy to say it’s an interesting post to read . I learn new information from your blogs, you are doing a great job . Keep it up
    these tips may help me for future.

  6. Amazing Though About Commerce.. Really If the Person do not Know What Is Commerce? He Can not Do Any Transactions Successful All Over The Article is Mind Blowing .. and The Language And Writing Pattern Is Also on Different level Sir ..

  7. Commerce is interesting I knew beforehand this article makes me research for more.. Looking forward to your next article.
    Thanku sir!

  8. What a explanation about commerce. I read it thoroughly and I must tell you that you are a good teacher and have that ability to teach others. Best of luck my friend for your upcoming blogs.. Stay blessed..

  9. Sir, Not only your journey inspires most of us but also we can see commerce from ur eyes which gave a different perception of commerce. And seriously the explaination is amazing.

  10. “Thank you so much for providing this information in such a simple manner comparing it to the day to day life activities. I have found it extremely helpful… I’m off to modify myself!”

  11. I realize that teaching is a often a thankless job, and we see how you pour your heart and soul into daily lessons. Your passion for your students is inspiring to us as a person , Don’t think that because you don’t hear the words ‘thank you’ every day, that we are not grateful for you.” keep it up it’s afantastic explanation of commerece it’s a treat to learn from you

  12. U are not only an ideal teacher ,but also a good explainer
    How wisely you explained the chronology of our life through the medium of commerce .
    Great work sir ,amazing work I would rather say .
    U are the best inspiration for the youngsters ahead.
    Not only you helped the youngsters by this information, But also to parents so that they won’t force their children for science stream , one thank note is just not enough to describe your work , but a teacher like you should get great respect .
    Thanks u sir for this great inspiration

  13. Sir, Not only your journey inspires most of us but also we can see commerce from ur eyes which gave a different perception of commerce. And seriously the explaination is amazing.

  14. Sir, Not only your journey inspires most of us but also we can see commerce from ur eyes which gave a different perception of commerce. And seriously the explaination is amazing.I am truly appreciate the hard work

  15. Rishu Kumar says:

    Such a beautiful explanation about life in commerce . This article is wonderful because these inspiring most of us including me…